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The joy of an open heart-mind - Exploring the role of views at the foundation for happiness, peace and freedom


25. Okt. 2024


27. Oktober 2024



The joy of an open heart-mind - Exploring the role of views at the foundation for happiness, peace and freedom

25.10.2024 - 27.10.2024

Living with an open heart-mind is wonderful. We meet people and situations with goodwill, tolerance, kindness and understanding. We simply listen. This openness quickly dissolves when we begin to hold on to an opinion, a view, or a point of view. Holding on to views can prevent us from gaining a deeper understanding of reality, it means "putting an end to the vital process of questioning and awakening." --Thây

There are two kinds of knots, obstacles rooted in our heart-mind which can cover up our potential for inner peace, happiness and freedom: Our afflictions like fear, anger, despair – and our ideas, views. We are attached to our concepts and views and not free to touch reality.

In our practice we learn to be present for painful emotions, for wholesome and unwholesome states of mind when they are arising, to take good care of whatever is arising in our body, heart and mind.When we look deeply to understand fear, anger, discrimination we discover the role of views, wrong views and our attachment to views at their roots. “It’s the mind, who paints the world.” BuddhaWe can live as prisoners of our views, separated from ourselves, friends, family, our communities, and nature. Our clinging to views leads to righteousness and conflicts, on an international level to violence, fights, and wars.

In this retreat we will look together into views, wrong views, the effect clinging to views can have on our inner peace and peaceful life with partners, colleagues, friends. We will learn about various gates, teachings, and practices of the Buddha and Thay that strengthen our openness and increase our awareness of clinging, attachments to views of all kinds. We will practice acknowledging our views without attaching to them, to remain open to other perspectives and further insights, and touch the joy of an open heart-mind.

Language in the course: English

Bettina Romhardt

It is a great joy in my life to practice and share the Dharma.Some stations of my journey: In 1992 I have met Thay the first time, in 1995 joined the Order of Interbeing and lived from 1996 to 2001 as a resident in Plum Village. Thay transmitted to me the Dharmacharya lamp in 2004. Nowadays, I live in Berlin as a mother of a grown-up son, offering days of mindfulness, retreats, yearlong trainings and supporting sangha Zehlendorf and other sanghas. In these stormy times I am especially grateful for the teachings and practices about “Being Peace/Peace in myself - Peace in the world” given by Thay.

Before booking the course, please kindly read thoroughly the registration procedures, policies and prices at the following link: Registration Details

Bettina Romhardt

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